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xbrl - ch.pschatzmann.edgar.base.Fact.Type
XBRL - Class in ch.pschatzmann.edgar.base
All xblr data is loaded from a file or URL into a hierarchical List of Facts where the root represents the top level of each "file" For each fact row we store the attribute values in a key-value map.
XBRL() - Constructor for class ch.pschatzmann.edgar.base.XBRL
Default constructor
XBRL(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.pschatzmann.edgar.base.XBRL
Basic class which represents all XBRL data and provides the basic access to the data.
XBRL.SegmentScope - Enum in ch.pschatzmann.edgar.base
XBRLException - Exception in ch.pschatzmann.edgar.base.errors
XBRLException(Exception) - Constructor for exception ch.pschatzmann.edgar.base.errors.XBRLException
XBRLException(String) - Constructor for exception ch.pschatzmann.edgar.base.errors.XBRLException
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