Investor – Selection of Stocks into a Portfilio
Selection of Stocks into a Portfilio In the current document we show how you can pick the best stock and strategy combinations out of a big collecion from a universe. Setup Import Libraries %classpath config resolver maven-public %classpath add mvn ch.pschatzmann:investor:0.9-SNAPSHOT %classpath add mvn ch.pschatzmann:jupyter-jdk-extensions:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT Imports // our stock evaluation framwork import ch.pschatzmann.dates._; import ch.pschatzmann.stocks._; import; import ch.pschatzmann.stocks.input._; import ch.pschatzmann.stocks.accounting._; import ch.pschatzmann.stocks.accounting.kpi._; import ch.pschatzmann.stocks.execution._; import ch.pschatzmann.stocks.execution.fees._; import ch.pschatzmann.stocks.execution.price._; import ch.pschatzmann.stocks.parameters._; import ch.pschatzmann.stocks.strategy._; import Read more…