OpenSCAD Libraries and Change Management in the Jupyter Kernel

Im my last Blog I was using some functionality from in order to define a nut and a bolt. I was finding this library with the help of Google. Like with any software language, it does not make sense if you try to re-invent the wheel (though some key stakeholders of the project actually think that everybody should write their’s own library). In any case it is worth to check out if some components Read more…

The Cheapest Camera for Octoprint

I bought myself a cheap Ender3 3D Printer. As my first project I decided to connect it to Octoprint. Because I did not want to use any of my Raspberry PIs and I had a spare old FitPC2 Linux machine, I thought it was time to reactivate it for a new purspose. I am using this solution successfully for quite some time now, so I wanted to take it to the next level by adding Read more…

Syntax Hightlighting for OpenSCAD in Jupyterlab

Out of the box Jupyterlab is providing a rich set of supported languages for Syntax Highlighting. Unfortunately OpenSCAD is not one of them. So I tried to research this topic: Internally Jupyterlab is using the CodeMirror editor and Codemirror allows to extend the syntax highlighting by defining custom modes. The easiest way is to use a Simple Mode. Jupyterlab as well supports the functionality of Extensions. So the challenge is to provide a Jupyterlab Extension Read more…

An OpenSCAD Kernel for Jupyter

I was missing a Jupyter Kernel for OpenSCAD. There are already different existing projects that try to bring the OpenSCAD functionality to Jupyter: ViewSCAD is providing a Python API over OpenSCAD SCAD4 is providing an API for JVM based Languages But you can’t use the OpenSCAD language itself in the Jupyter cells. So I decided to take up the challenge and spend a couple of days on this topic. The initial idea was to use Read more…

Displaying 3D STL Files in Jupyterlab

The STL (Standard Triangle Language) is the industry standard file type for 3D Printing. Jupyter and it’s successor Jupyterlab offer quite a big range of built in renderers that allow you to display different file formats. Unfortunately this is not true for 3D file formats. To close this gap, I decided to implement a simple Mime Renderer for Jupyterlab using the powerfull functionality of Three.js. Though other file formats might work as well, I was setting the focus on STL Read more…