OpenSCAD for Jupyter has been released
The OpenSCAD kernel V1.0.13 for Jupyter is available on PyPi and ready to be used. As a poof of concept and to test the functionality I was using my Quadrotor Design:
Scad4J – A Parameterized 3D Quadrotor¶
I was struggling quite a bit to integrate the parameters into the Scad4J API. Here is an example which demonstrates how we can use the Scad4J library to build a simple RC quad.
Modules in Scad4J
I tried to build some complex models with Scad4J and realised that the generated code is getting quite unreadable. So it would be useful if we could use modules to structure our models. Here is an example how we can use the Scad4J library to build a first DRAFT of Read more…
Hinges in Scad4J
I am about to design a model RC plane. In order to attach the control surfaces to the body I am planning to use some hinges. Fortunately there is a ‘Parametric Hinge’ written by ‘Rohin Gosling’ that can be used in OpenSCAD. In this Blog I will check out how Read more…