I had the need to pass some callback functions to some of my generic C++ Arduino classes. So I was asking myself if we can use Lambdas in Arduino.

Here is a small test sketch, to verify this.

#include "TestLambda.h"

void setup() {
    auto f1 = [](int number) { Serial.println(number); };
    LambdaTest t(f1);


void loop() {

And here is the related TestLambda.h content:

#include <functional>

class LambdaTest {

  LambdaTest(std::function<void (int n)> lambda){
    lambda_ptr = &lambda ;

  void callLambda(int value) {

    std::function<void (int n)> *lambda_ptr;


This example compiled just fine for a ESP32 – but when I tried to compile for a Arduino Nano, I was getting the error TestLambda.h:1:10: error: functional: No such file or directory. As a conclusion we can’t use std::function on Arduino Boards!

The following alternative however was compiling w/o issue:

typedef void (*func)(int n);

class LambdaTest {

  LambdaTest(func lambda){
    lambda_func = lambda ;

  void callLambda(int value) {

    func lambda_func;


Categories: Arduino


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